Monday, 25 February 2013

© David Collins
The ramblings of a 25-year-old soon-to-be Marketing Consultant (ahem! Junior Inbound Consultant to be precise!). This is a work in progress to test my knowledge of stats and analytics; in the very near future I intend to post about new developments in advertising and marketing, lifestyle, crafting - pretty much anything that interests me! I hope it will interest you too! I'd love to hear from any readers out there - let me know what content you'd like to see - I'm open to suggestions!


  1. Hi Fiona,
    Check out these 40 amazing advertising ideas on this web site pretty interesting
    John M from USA

  2. Hi John -

    These are brilliant - thank you! I have saved them to my favourites as they are so clever! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment. I hope you are well xxx
